H. David Bowerman, Jr., 56, passed away on Thursday, February 5, 2009. He was at the home of his dear friend, Katie Johnsonius, who had been a source of support and friendship during his final days. Prior to moving to Austin, David lived in Houston, TX, where he had founded Living Environments, a commercial plant company. He was well respected for his talent, knowledge and creativity with plants and his eye for design. David endured many health challenges, with courage and dignity. He was larger than life! With a razor sharp sense of humor, he was a source of compassion and caring, a genuine and loyal friend and devoted to his family. Anyone who knew David was sure to have a story that included a David one-liner, or about his selfless and completely honest approach to life. David was a real class act! David is survived by his mother, Mrs. Virginia Bowerman; his sister, Sharon Seligman; brother, Ed Bowerman and his wife Taffy. Nieces and nephews include Kyle and Laurie, and Jackson Nunnallee, Chris and Rene, Patrick and Carollan Nunnallee, and Casey and Deborah Bowerman. A memorial service will be held at Bee Creek Methodist Church, 3000 Bee Creek Road. The service will be at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 15. Following, there will be a reception at the home of Sharon Seligman, 21600 Serendipity Place. All are welcome. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to Mental Health America, Attn: Gift Office, P.O. Box 16810, Alexandria, Virginia 22302-0810 giftoffice@mental healthamerica.net Obituary and guestbook online at www.wcfish.com
Harold David Bowerman, Jr.
March 18, 1952 - February 5, 2009